People & Partners
Briefly describe what you do in your role with GTCF
I am currently serving on the Board Alumni Committee
What is the most exciting part of your role with GTCF?
It's the opportunity to see people I have known for a long time and the chance to meet others. The updates on GTCF activities and strategy are important to me - provides the stimulus for finding connections between the foundation and other community efforts I encounter.
What other jobs or positions have you held?
Currently: - UWT Urban Studies Advisory Board - Symphony Tacoma Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Access and Belonging Committee - International Network of Asian Pacific Administrators - Community Health Care - Parkland Youth Hub Past: Several community boards including GTCF board in the 1990's
Outside of GTCF, what enjoyable activity do you engage in? What brings you joy?
Family - wife Barbara, daughters Madison and Eleanor, grandson Hattori; three sisters and their families; and a bunch of cousins that all live near us. Good flat serve down the T on the tennis court.
What activity, place, or event do you recommend other people check out in Pierce County?
Visiting with people here and discovering the connections we have with each other. I continually enjoy seeing how this is a smaller and more interconnected world than I can imagine.
What is the most inspiring book that you have read and why?
Leadership Without Easy Answers, Ronald A. Heifetz, 1994. It has been a long time since I read this, but I think about the concepts Heifetz discussed all the time.