We’re all working together for a thriving Pierce County.
Pierce County is a collage of many communities. We each have our own contributions to make.
GTCF knows that community knowledge is the key to transformative philanthropic investments. Research, reports, and peer learning provide insights into charitable giving strategies that support positive impact.

GTCF Impact Lessons
“By funding organizations with trusted relationships to do more of what they’re already doing, they can be the most creative and effective in reaching their networks without taking on extra work that makes it harder for them to achieve their mission.”
– Seth Kirby, Chief Impact Officer, GTCF

GTCF is committed to learning from and with community. Through research and knowledge facilitation, GTCF connects people to information that can amplify response to needs and opportunities for philanthropic impact in Pierce County.

GTCF newsletters share insights into resources, needs, and opportunities across Pierce County. You sign up to join the mailing list and find archived editions here.