Tag: community circles
Social Emotional Learning Helps Kids Navigate COVID-19 Disruptions

Sharing is usually something adults encourage kids to practice. That’s why Tess Guerrero understood how strange it sounded when she explained to a student that they couldn’t share their supplies > Continue Reading
Parents See the Difference Caring Adults Make for Their Students

Members of the Vision Step team at Edison Elementary School marched into the cafeteria as they wrapped up their after-school step dance session on a recent afternoon. As the girls > Continue Reading
Warm Greetings, 3 Breaths, And A Constitution Help Students Thrive

When the bell rang on a recent Tuesday afternoon at Jennie Reed Elementary School, the halls were filled with students in neat, single-file lines. Each line moved in a different > Continue Reading
20 Minutes Can Make All The Difference For Students In Expanded Learning

When school lets out at Tacoma’s Birney Elementary, Sergio Beltran can be found outside the cafeteria greeting students as they head into Expanded Learning at the All-Star Center. On a > Continue Reading