Month: June 2019
Partnering For Philanthropy: Bob Pittman, Professional Advisor

At Greater Tacoma Community Foundation, we’ve seen how much more we can accomplish when we work together. Since 1981, community members have shared their commitment to a thriving Pierce County > Continue Reading
GTCF Youth Philanthropy Board Takes the Lead in Improving Community Connections for Justice-Involved Youth

Since 2011, GTCF’s Youth Philanthropy Board (YPB) has provided young people in Pierce County an opportunity to identify, explore, and address their concerns for their community by using philanthropic > Continue Reading
Local Boys Help Each Other Grow in “The Gent Way” Through Tacoma Gents

With a stack of pepperoni pizzas sitting on the cafeteria table in front of them, a group of boys from Tacoma’s Birney Elementary School waited patiently while two other boys > Continue Reading
Tacoma’s Special Energy Makes It a Great Place for Impact Investing

Toby Levey recognized a special kind of energy at work in Tacoma not long after he moved to the region two years ago, “When you come to the Pacific Northwest, > Continue Reading