Tag: legacy
Loving Tacoma for the Long Term

Sitting around the dining room table at her family’s Tacoma home, Ann Wiborg and a group of fellow local leaders met in the Fall of 1977. They shared a vision > Continue Reading
Freedom Summer Symposium

The Symposium is a social justice “call to action,” targeting the 18-35 demographic, social justice activists, and aspiring leaders. The IBJ partners with an institution of higher education to expose > Continue Reading
Freedom Summer Symposium

The Symposium is a social justice “call to action,” targeting the 18-35 demographic, social justice activists, and aspiring leaders. The IBJ partners with an institution of higher education to expose > Continue Reading
Dr. Jerry and Elaine Ramsey: A Historical Legacy To Set The Record Straight

Dr. Jerry Ramsey and his late wife, Elaine, were true lovers of Tacoma long before it became the hottest housing market in the nation. Through their work as educators and > Continue Reading
Where There’s A Will There’s A Way To Build A Thriving Future

2020 has been a year of uncertainty and change, with everything from physical distancing to mask wearing to Zoom work, school, and parties becoming our new day-to-day. Despite the current disruptions, many people have been inspired to > Continue Reading
Partnering for Experiential Learning: Fort Nisqually Foundation, GTCF Agency Fundholder

Over the past 38 years, Greater Tacoma Community Foundation has seen Pierce County grow and change, but what has remained constant is the passion people bring to building a thriving > Continue Reading
Partnering to Leave A Legacy: Wayne Williams, GTCF Legacy Society Member

Over the past 38 years, Greater Tacoma Community Foundation has seen Pierce County grow and change, but what has remained constant is the passion people bring to building a thriving > Continue Reading
Partnering for Life-Centered Planning – Bev Cox, Certified Financial Planner

Over the past 38 years, Greater Tacoma Community Foundation has seen Pierce County grow and change, but what has remained constant is the passion people bring to building a > Continue Reading