Tag: SEL
Exploring the Pacific with KBTC and APCC

KBTC Kids and Asia Pacific Cultural Center present a celebration of Pacific Islander heritage. Enjoy storytelling from Guma Imahe of Guam, music and dancing from Hawaii, arts and crafts from > Continue Reading
This Could Not Have Been An Email: Social Emotional Learning Makes Meetings Meaningful

A common complaint heard after many work meetings is, “This could have been an email”. For Expanded Learning providers participating in Tacoma’s Whole Child partnership under COVID-19 conditions, virtual team meetings have been something they actually look forward to. > Continue Reading
Deep Dive: SEL, Inner Equity, and You

Join the Expanded Learning (ELO) community for a series of professional development and training opportunities that are centered around DEI infused social emotional learning (SEL). The importance of connected SEL > Continue Reading
The Legacy of Mr. Rogers In Tacoma’s Whole Child Virtual Expanded Learning

For more than 30 years Mister Rogers used his groundbreaking PBS television show to make a personal connection with millions of children. Speaking directly into the camera, he invited his viewers to join him in learning new things, playing together, and reflecting on what it means to be a good > Continue Reading
Seeds of Peace Scholars – August Summer Reads/Book Club

Join Seeds of Peace – Youth Summit – Pierce County for youth-led discussion groups on the topic of social justice through reading and connecting with community leaders and other ages! > Continue Reading
Social Emotional Learning Helps Kids Navigate COVID-19 Disruptions

Sharing is usually something adults encourage kids to practice. That’s why Tess Guerrero understood how strange it sounded when she explained to a student that they couldn’t share their supplies > Continue Reading
Parents See the Difference Caring Adults Make for Their Students

Members of the Vision Step team at Edison Elementary School marched into the cafeteria as they wrapped up their after-school step dance session on a recent afternoon. As the girls > Continue Reading
Simple Strategies Help Students (and Adults) Move Through Challenging Emotions

An easy way to soothe stress is right at your fingertips. Using your forefinger, slowly draw a sideways figure 8 in the air. Breathe in as you move your finger > Continue Reading
20 Minutes Can Make All The Difference For Students In Expanded Learning

When school lets out at Tacoma’s Birney Elementary, Sergio Beltran can be found outside the cafeteria greeting students as they head into Expanded Learning at the All-Star Center. On a > Continue Reading
Expanded Learning Opportunites Lead to Growth for Students and the Adults Who Work With Them

Students and parents from 12 Elementary Schools in Tacoma celebrated a school year worth of Expanded Learning Opportunities with an event at Edison Elementary on May 30. The students showcases > Continue Reading