
Social Media Community

GTCF works with and supports many partners, leaders, and nonprofit organizations in our community. We use social media to share community efforts, news, and stories that inspire generosity and build a thriving Pierce County.

We invite you to learn about and share the great things going on in our community through our four social media platforms: Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube. These accounts are produced, monitored, and maintained by GTCF’s communications team.

When you share stories and comments on our pages, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Stay on topic
  • Be truthful in your posts
  • Do not bully or harass other users
  • Refrain from using hateful speech

Comments from followers that don’t meet these guidelines will be addressed in this way:

  • Initial or Rare Violation: Hiding or Removing comment
  • Repeated Violation of Guidelines: Banning User