

2019-2020 Youth Philanthropy Board Offers Youth Voice and Youth Choice

Filed Under: Youth Philanthropy Board - Posted @ 1:45pm

GTCF is now accepting applications for the 2019-20 Youth Philanthropy Board cohort.

Greater Tacoma Community Foundation’s Youth Philanthropy Board (YPB) connects a diverse cohort of young people, ages 15-24, with a passion for community to the skills and tools necessary to cultivate change.  In addition to connecting with local youth-serving organizations, YPB members build collaborative relationships with other young people from Pierce County and work together to support solutions for issues that matter to them in the community.

Applications are due by September 30 at 11:59pm.

Start your application.


Learn more about the experience from a few 2018-2019 cohort members:

“YPB facilitates intentional growth for Tacoma youth, and creates a space where young voices, ideas, and physical presence is authentically valued in the creation of solutions to pressing issues in our communities. When I grew up in Tacoma, I didn’t want to be here. YPB gave me a reason to come back, reconnect with my community and be the person I needed. – Dylan Tran


“It is rare that a group of young people can make a decision that directly impacts them, let a lone make a decision that will improve the lives of other youth in their community. YPB is an all around amazing experience…I feel that I have grown as a leader and greatly developed my voice as a young leader in my community.” – Rita Tumbusch


“There is an open atmosphere for thought and collaboration. It was a great experience meeting so many different young people from different backgrounds and stories who share the same vision and purpose.” – Harold Liufau


“Young people see issues that adults may be blinded too. It’s important to listen and respect the voices of young people and follow up with consistent action. Youth Philanthropy Board gives you the experiences and skills you need in your pathway to success.” – Tori Brockman


“One experience that stood out to me was a meeting where we talked with a former engineer who is now a Success Coach. We talked about the disconnect between generations and different groups of people and how we can open up silos and see different perspectives in order to communicate better and create more positive change. – Rachel Nunes


“I have been working with nonprofits for a few years and I know how vital the role of grants is in keeping them going. It was really nice to get a perspective of what it takes to give a grant, and find out the challenges of funders, what they are looking for and where there might be a disconnect.” – Emily Schell


Learn more about how the 2018-2019 YPB cohort addressed the needs of justice-involved youth in Pierce County through this video.

For questions about YPB contact Janece Levien, GTCF Program Director.