Tag: Pierce County Partners
Partnering for Experiential Learning: Fort Nisqually Foundation, GTCF Agency Fundholder
Over the past 38 years, Greater Tacoma Community Foundation has seen Pierce County grow and change, but what has remained constant is the passion people bring to building a thriving > Continue Reading
Partnering to Honor Community History: Gregory M. Tanbara, GTCF Board Alumnus
Over the past 38 years, Greater Tacoma Community Foundation has seen Pierce County grow and change, but what has remained constant is the passion people bring to building a thriving > Continue Reading
Partnering to Support Military Families: Madigan Foundation, GTCF Agency Fundholder
Over the past 38 years, Greater Tacoma Community Foundation has seen Pierce County grow and change, but what has remained constant is the passion people bring to building a thriving > Continue Reading
Partnering to Leave A Legacy: Wayne Williams, GTCF Legacy Society Member
Over the past 38 years, Greater Tacoma Community Foundation has seen Pierce County grow and change, but what has remained constant is the passion people bring to building a thriving > Continue Reading
Partnering to Connect Diverse Leaders: Beth Boggs, American Leadership Forum of Tacoma-Pierce County
Over the past 39 years, Greater Tacoma Community Foundation has seen Pierce County grow and change, but what has remained constant is the passion people bring to building a thriving > Continue Reading
Partnering for Life-Centered Planning – Bev Cox, Certified Financial Planner
Over the past 38 years, Greater Tacoma Community Foundation has seen Pierce County grow and change, but what has remained constant is the passion people bring to building a > Continue Reading
Partnering for Youth Voice: GTCF Youth Philanthropy Board
Over the past 38 years, Greater Tacoma Community Foundation has seen Pierce County grow and change, but what has remained constant is the passion people bring to building a thriving > Continue Reading
Partnering for Higher Education Scholarships: Xavier Cooper, GTCF Fundholder
Over the past 38 years, Greater Tacoma Community Foundation has seen Pierce County grow and change, but what has remained constant is the passion people bring to building a thriving > Continue Reading
Partnering for Census 2020: Dr. Ali Modarres, Director of Urban Studies – University of Washington Tacoma
Over the past 38 years, Greater Tacoma Community Foundation has seen Pierce County grow and change, but what has remained constant is the passion people bring to building a thriving > Continue Reading
Partnering For Philanthropy: Bob Pittman, Professional Advisor
At Greater Tacoma Community Foundation, we’ve seen how much more we can accomplish when we work together. Since 1981, community members have shared their commitment to a thriving Pierce County > Continue Reading